There are lots of employer benefits to the Work from Home movement too
What employees and employers do agree on – sort of
– is that benefits are still undergoing a transition 2+
years after the pandemic hit. And more specifically,
the pandemic created a new workplace environment
that would probably have never existed 10 years ago.
Employees have always wanted the flexibility to work
whenever and wherever they want, but the pandemic
taught us that working from home can be productive
and employers are reluctantly (although not always)
agreeing. As such, going forward, employers are
adding flexibility to this WFH (Work from Home)

There are polls everywhere in support of this WFH
• According to Arizent, almost 7 in 10
employers thought that remote work and
telecommuting should be permanent.
• According to a Gallup poll, 6 in 10 employees
who worked from home during the pandemic
want to continue working remotely.
• According to Bloomberg News, 39% would
consider quitting if their employers weren’t
flexible about remote work.
• According to Microsoft, a poll of 30,000 of its
global workers found 41% said they would
consider getting a new job if remote work was
not an option.
• According to Flexjobs, 97% of workers wanted
a fully remote or hybrid positions
From an employer’s perspective, there are many
benefits to the WFH movement too:
• More money for employees – savings
estimates for those who work from home
average $6,000 a year, according to FlexJobs,
as employees cut down on commuting and
other in-office related expenses
• More money for employers – research
shows that businesses lose billions ever year
to workplace distractions (estimates are about
$600 billion annually)
• More productivity – Microsoft found that 90%
of workers reported being productive in a
remote or hybrid arrangement
• Better work/life balance for employees –
employees gain time to put back in their day
which reduces stress
• Environmentally-friendly benefits – less
office space, fewer commuting hours, etc.
As a wealth management firm one of the things we help you with as a business owner is giving you the connections and the specialists that help you navigate employee benefits that will benefit you and the employees the most. While working with us as a business owner, you will work directly with a financial advisor who is also a business owner giving you first hand advice and guidance in areas such as this.
Since we specialize in providing financial planning for business owners and corporate executives, this is just one of the areas that we would be able to help you so that this is one area that you do not have to think about in your busy day.
if you're interested in learning more and are curious about how a wealth management firm might help you, give us a call at 330-526-8412!

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